Throughout the years, Hawthorn Hills subdivision has undergone various improvements from updated entrance signs, establishment of an official website, and the hosting of different neighborhood events.
In recent years, more and more ideas have come up to improve the neighborhood, therefore an over-arching plan is needed to make certain we efficiently manage the budget and protect the investments we’ve made in our homes.
What’s a Neighborhood Plan?
It is a thoughtful approach on how we plan and execute ideas to maintain and improve our neighborhood.
What’s the Objective?
The main objective is to renovate the Hawthorn Hills subdivision to maintain and increase the value of our homes.
Who would this appeal to?
- Longtime Home Owners: When they sell in the coming years, they will want to get the highest price for their homes
- Recent Home Owners: This plan will help protect and increase the value of their homes
- Prospective Buyers: This plan will help them feel confident to buy a home in our neighborhood